is a field element that wraps Radios with label, helper, and validation text.
- Switch
- Switch reflects a boolean state (enabled/disabled, on/off)
- Switch has a more approachable UI that users may associate with an immediate response
- Checkbox
- A single Checkbox should be used when agreeing/acknowledging/accepting terms/policies, etc.
- Typically associated with a form that must be submitted for changes to be saved/reflected
- Checkbox is used when multiple items can be selected
- Only used to change settings, not as a trigger
- Use Button if you need to perform an action
- Radio
- Use Radio if you need to toggle between two non-binary options (e.g. CSV/PDF, %/$)
- Typically associated with a form that must be submitted for changes to be saved/reflected
- Radio is used when the options are mutually exclusive
- Only used to change settings, not as a trigger
- Use Button if you need to perform an action
A basic RadioGroup
implementation using Formik and Yup to require one selection.
Disabled states should be used with caution.
It may sometimes be necessary to hide labels, but label text must still be made available for screen readers. These examples uses the visuallyHideLabel
prop to visually hide the label.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children Required | ReactNode | - | The individual Radio elements that are part of the group. |
disabled | boolean | - | If true , the elements in this group will be shown in their disabled state. |
helperText | ReactNode | - | Additional descriptive information for the radios. |
invalid | boolean | - | If true , the radios will be shown in their invalid state. |
legend Required | string | - | Label text associated with the group. |
name | string | - | Name of the input . Submitted with the form as part of a name/value pair. |
optional | boolean | - | Used to indicate the field is optional |
validationText | ReactNode | - | Validation message associated with the input. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
component | ReactNode | - | Component override for the input element |
label Required | ReactNode | - | Content for the associated label |
value Required | string | - | The data value of the input |
The following testing snippet(s) offer suggestions for testing the component using React Testing Library with occasional help from Jest.
// BASIC TESTSrender(<RadioGroupname="payment"legend="How would you prefer to be paid?"helperText="Don’t worry, you may change this at any time"optional><Radio value="direct_deposit" label="Direct deposit">Your money will be securely deposited each pay cycle into your account ending in 5555.</Radio><Radio value="check" label="Check">An old fashioned paper check will be sent via USPS to 555 Drury Lane, courtesy of the muffinman.</Radio></RadioGroup>,);const group = screen.getByRole('group', {name: 'How would you prefer to be paid?', // Group label});// Group descriptionsexpect(group).toHaveAccessibleDescription(expect.stringContaining('(optional)'));expect(group).toHaveAccessibleDescription(expect.stringContaining('Don’t worry, you may change this at any time'),);const directDepositRadio = screen.getByLabelText('Direct deposit');// Alternatively:// const directDepositRadio = screen.getByRole('radio', {// name: 'Direct deposit',// });// Checkbox descriptionexpect(directDepositRadio).not.toBeChecked();expect(directDepositRadio).toHaveAccessibleDescription('Your money will be securely deposited each pay cycle into your account ending in 5555.',);const checkRadio = screen.getByLabelText('Check');// Checkbox descriptionexpect(checkRadio).not.toBeChecked();expect(checkRadio).toHaveAccessibleDescription('An old fashioned paper check will be sent via USPS to 555 Drury Lane, courtesy of the muffin man.',);//;expect(directDepositRadio).toBeChecked();// TESTING VALIDATIONrender(<RadioGroupname="payment"legend="How would you prefer to be paid?"invalidvalidationText="Payment type is required"><Radio value="direct_deposit" label="Direct deposit" /><Radio value="check" label="Check" /></RadioGroup>,);const group = screen.getByRole('group', {name: 'Enable notifications?', // Group label});expect(group).toHaveAccessibleDescription(expect.stringContaining('Payment type is required'));