Item | Name | Description |
A | <SegmentedControl /> | The parent component — rendered as a <div> — that wraps <SegmentedControlInput /> children components. |
B | <SegmentedControlInput /> | A styled <input type= “radio” | “checkbox”/> to look like a Button. |
Item | Name | Description |
A | Container | The parent container — rendered as a <div> — that wraps the <input> and <label> children. |
B | Before slot | A slot to render an Icon. |
C | Label | A text span to convey what the option does. |
D | After slot | A slot to render an Icon. |
import React from 'react'import { SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlInput } from '@gusto/workbench'export const Radio = () => {return (<SegmentedControllegend="Management clearly communicates business goals to me"helperText="Please answer how you feel about this statement"name="radio"><SegmentedControlInputtype="radio"value="strong-disagree"defaultChecked>Strongly disagree</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="disagree">Disagree</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="neutral">Neutral</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="agree">Agree</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="strong-agree">Strongly agree</SegmentedControlInput></SegmentedControl>)}
import React from 'react'import { Flex, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlInput } from '@gusto/workbench'export const Sizes = () => {return (<Flex flexDirection="column" rowGap="1rem"><SegmentedControl legend="Small Sizes" name="size-small" size="small"><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="small-one" defaultChecked>Small</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="small-two">Small</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="small-three">Small</SegmentedControlInput></SegmentedControl><SegmentedControl legend="Medium Sizes" name="size-medium"><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="medium-one" defaultChecked>Medium</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="medium-one">Medium</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="medium-one">Medium</SegmentedControlInput></SegmentedControl></Flex>)}
import React from 'react'import {SegmentedControl,SegmentedControlByline,SegmentedControlInput,} from '@gusto/workbench'export const Byline = () => {return (<SegmentedControllegend="How much would you like to save from each paycheck?"name="byline"><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" defaultChecked value="10"><SegmentedControlByline>1%</SegmentedControlByline>$10</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="20"><SegmentedControlByline>2%</SegmentedControlByline>$20</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="200"><SegmentedControlByline>10%</SegmentedControlByline>$200</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="other">Other</SegmentedControlInput></SegmentedControl>)}
import React from 'react'import { SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlInput } from '@gusto/workbench'import {Happy,Neutral,Unhappy,VeryHappy,VeryUnhappy,} from '@gusto/workbench-icons'export const Icons = () => {return (<SegmentedControllegend="How do you feel about your experience?"name="icon-test"><SegmentedControlInputtype="radio"title="Very unhappy"value="happy"defaultChecked><VeryUnhappy /></SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" title="Unhappy" value="unhappy"><Unhappy /></SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" title="Neutral" value="neutral"><Neutral /></SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" title="Happy" value="happy"><Happy /></SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" title="Very happy" value="very-happy"><VeryHappy /></SegmentedControlInput></SegmentedControl>)}
import React from 'react'import { SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlInput } from '@gusto/workbench'import { Checks, LockClosed, Present } from '@gusto/workbench-icons'export const Checkbox = () => {return (<SegmentedControllegend="What emails would you like to receive?"helperText="Choose any or all of the below email types"name="multiple-checkbox"><SegmentedControlInput before={<Present />} type="checkbox" value="new">New features</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInputbefore={<LockClosed />}type="checkbox"value="security">Security updates</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput before={<Checks />} type="checkbox" value="payday">Payday</SegmentedControlInput></SegmentedControl>)}
import React from 'react'import { SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlInput } from '@gusto/workbench'export const Disabled = () => {return (<SegmentedControllegend="Management clearly communicates business goals to me"helperText="Please answer how you feel about this statement"name="disabled"disabled><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="strong-disagree">Strongly disagree</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="disagree">Disagree</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="neutral">Neutral</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="agree">Agree</SegmentedControlInput><SegmentedControlInput type="radio" value="strong-agree">Strongly agree</SegmentedControlInput></SegmentedControl>)}
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | ReactNode | - | The content of the component. |
helperText | ReactNode | - | A brief description or hint for the input ; can be used to link to an external resource. |
legend Required | string | - | Label text associated with the group. |
size | small medium | medium | The size of the button when variant is set to "primary" or "secondary". |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
aria-label | string | - | The accessible name for this item. Most commonly the input name. |
after | ReactNode | - | Content shown after children. |
before | ReactNode | - | Content shown before the children. |
children | ReactNode | - | The content of the component. |
id | string | - | The ID of the input element. |
label Required | string | - | Label associated with the input . |
size | small medium | medium | The size of the button when variant is set to "primary" or "secondary". |
title | string | - | |
type Required | checkbox radio | - | The type of the input (checkbox or radio) |
- When selected, the option’s background and text color meet the minimum contrast requirement of 3:1 with its siblings. For more information, see footnote 1
- Icons and their backgrounds meet the minimum requirements of 3:1 contrast ratio for non-text content. For more information, see footnote 1
- The touch-target area of each option meets the requirement of 44 by 44 CSS pixels. For more information, see footnote 2
- When
<SegmentedControl />
is used as a checkbox, the native checkbox accessibility behaviors apply. For example, tab will navigate to the previous or next cards and space will check or uncheck the option. For more information, see footnote 3, For more information, see footnote 4 - When
<SegmentedControl />
is used as a radio, the native radio behaviors will apply. For example, tab will navigate to the radio group and arrow keys will navigate to the previous or next cards and will check or uncheck the option when in focus. For more information, see footnote 5, For more information, see footnote 6 - Each option is presented in equal width to prevent bias. For more information, see footnote 7
- A
is required to ensure the underlying input has content associated to it for screen reader accessibility. For more information, see footnote 8
<SegmentedControl />
uses an <input type="checkbox" />
or <input type="radio" />
under the hood. For testing the input state of <SegmentedControl />
, refer to the Checkbox testing docs or Radio testing docs