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Gusto’s brand is represented by both expressive and classic type In our platform, our use of type prioritizes clear messaging over personality.
Figma logo

These are the default type styles you’ll need when designing most interfaces in Gusto’s product.

  • Tokens refer to typographic presets that include font size, line height, letter spacing and font weight
  • Larger tokens refer to a larger font size
  • The last two digits of a token refer to font weight
    • Tokens ending in 00 use “book”—our normal weight
    • Tokens ending in 25 use “medium”—the boldest weight we use
Workbench typography values and usage examples
725The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 32px/3.2rem
Line height: 40px/4rem
Letter spacing: 0
Weight: Medium
Page/Header titles
Dialog titles
625The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 24px/2.4rem
Line height: 32px/3.2rem
Letter spacing: 0
Weight: Medium
Section titles
RadioCard titles
525The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 20px/2rem
Line height: 28px/2.8rem
Letter spacing: 1%/.01rem
Weight: Medium
Card titles
Drawer titles
425The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 18px/1.8rem
Line height: 24px/2.4rem
Letter spacing: 1%/.01rem
Weight: Medium
Alert/Toast titles
Panel titles
325The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 16px/1.6rem
Line height: 24px/2.4rem
Letter spacing: 2%/.02rem
Weight: Medium
Button (large/medium) text
Link titles
300The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 16px/1.6rem
Line height: 24px/2.4rem
Letter spacing: 2%/.02rem
Weight: Book
Default font size
p text
Input text
Descriptive text
225The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 14px/1.4rem
Line height: 20px/2rem
Letter spacing: 2%/.02rem
Weight: Medium
Button (small) text
active Tabs
200The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 14px/1.4rem
Line height: 20px/2rem
Letter spacing: 2%/.02rem
Weight: Book
Helper text
Validation text
Tab labels
125The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 12px/1.2rem
Line height: 16px/1.6rem
Letter spacing: 2%/.02rem
Weight: Medium
Tag text
100The All-In-One People Platform for Payroll, Benefits, HRSize: 12px/1.2rem
Line height: 16px/1.6rem
Letter spacing: 2%/.02rem
Weight: Book
Footer text

Gusto’s product uses G Centra as the primary font. G Centra is a contemporary sans-serif that’s accessible and unpretentious. It’s ideal for longer text and product experiences. We use G Centra Book for normal text and G Centra Medium for headings and call outs. Moonstone Book is our script font used for signatures.

G Centra Medium
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789!@#$%^&*()
G Centra Book
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789!@#$%^&*()
Moonstone Book
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789!@#$%^&*()

When people come together, they’re capable of incredible things.

This isn’t an easy time to run a business.
But we’re here to help.
Payroll that’s easy to use and seriously smart.

Gusto is the one place modern employers can go to onboard, pay, insure, and support their hardworking teams. With our smart technology and friendly service, we make the lives of working people a little bit easier.

Reference the Gusto Brand KitExternal linkfor details.